Tippoint - a possibility for front row seats

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Tippoint for employers

Tippoint is a new web-based recruiting site where leading technology companies and students – the experts and doers of tomorrow – meet. This meeting place offers thesis assignments, summer and training jobs as well as project-based assignments and temporary work with just the right criteria, all conveniently available, which leads to your company’s positions filled with suitable persons, almost by itself.


A wide student register

Includes all students of the most significant Universities of Technology (Universities and Polytechnics) in Finland.


Theses assignments, project- , summer- and temporary jobs available in one location.

Cost-effective and centralised

Makes the recruitment process easier for both leaders and HR. More effective bidirectional utilisation of critical competences and know-how areas between companies and students.


Improves visibility of the company among students.

Edumax Oy

Edumax Oy's mission is to bring companies and students together in a way, that benefits both parties, leading to succesful co-operation and future recruiting. Edumax Oy has served companies and universities since 2006, and has a strong experience in traditional recruitement events and company specific service solutions.

Tippoint is developed for companies's needs to find new talents, and at the same time to ease the students's way to find work during studies.


For more information about Tippoint and Edumax Oy, please contact:

Jenni Lahti
Sales and Development
050 486 9192